A combination of 'permanent' repair work, upgrading existing infrastructure, and the development of new and complex strengthening systems, has resulted in new contracts and a significant area of business for the company.
With expectations that oil and gas fields may still be producing for another 25 to 30 years, the work has also included the straightforward re-fit of RotaBolts on existing production infrastructure, such as on heat exchangers and high-pressure pipe work and flanges. However, it is where new designs and engineering techniques have had to be used that the fasteners have been helping to break new ground.
Where there has been a requirement for repair work to be carried out there have been no off-the-shelf solutions. Structural strengthening programmes have varied from applying massive clamping systems to platform legs and support infrastructures, through to fitting underwater cable stays more commonly associated with bridge structures. Changes to the design and engineering details have also impacted fabrication and installation.
RotaBolt® is currently supplying a range of its measurement fasteners to offshore contractors for use on clamping systems, flanges and jacket reinforcement designs. These vary from M24 bolts on clamps of less than half a metre in diameter, up to M90 bolts that are 3.5 metres long being used on cable stay clamps that are 130 tonnes.
Having spent a decade in the fastener industry experiencing every facet – from steel mills, fastener manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, as well as machinery builders and plating + coating companies, Claire has developed an in-depth knowledge of all things fasteners.
Alongside visiting numerous companies, exhibitions and conferences around the world, Claire has also interviewed high profile figures – focusing on key topics impacting the sector and making sure readers stay up to date with the latest developments within the industry.
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